Saturday, June 8, 2013

Magnolia Beginners Competition

I came in 19th out of 22 during my first CrossFit competition this morning.

Lessons learned from my first competition:

1) Just because the name of the competition says "beginners" doesn't mean that the competitors are beginner athletes (like me)- just new to CrossFit. Some of the girls I was up against were incredible athletes, and I didn't stand a chance (for now)
2) If your back is already hurting before the competition (as in taking Aleve, icing it, and desperately calling the chiropractor hurting before the competition) then still competing isn't the brightest idea in the world. However, the Airrosti guy fixed me up, and I stayed in and I did the best I could. Now that it's over, I'm icing down and will be taking it easy for a few days.
3) Competing is FUN  I really haven't had anything to compete in since high school, and I've never been athletic, so this tapping into the competitive side of me-which I love 

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