I did another competition. I must be crazy. This one was called "No Baby, Leave your Socks On" and all of the competitors were supposed to wear crazy knee socks. I wore my "Bad @$$" socks :)
WOD 1: Thruster/Box jump Ladder (7min AMRAP)
20″ box jump/step up(scaled)
WOD 2: (10 min AMRAP)
10 pull ups/ jumping pull ups(scaled)
20 burpees
90 single unders (scaled)
40 wallball 14/ 10(scaled)
50 kb swing 26#(scaled)
then max reps clean & jerk in remaining time 95#/65#(scaled)
20 burpees
90 single unders (scaled)
40 wallball 14/ 10(scaled)
50 kb swing 26#(scaled)
then max reps clean & jerk in remaining time 95#/65#(scaled)
WOD 3: Deadlift ladder
15 bars 65#-205# (scaled)

I have managed to make friends with someone just as silly-if not sillier-than I am!
15 bars 65#-205# (scaled)

I have managed to make friends with someone just as silly-if not sillier-than I am!

I am such a badass!

Burpees suck!

Wall Balls - OMG. I was running out of steam. I couldn't get more than 5 without having to drop the ball and gasp for air

Those kettlebell swings were hard! I was exhausted at this point!

Yay! I ran into an old friend! She is a CrossFit BEAST! She came in 6th


The girls

The results
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