Thursday, August 29, 2013

Stress Eating

Honolulu Hawaiian Pizza It's been really stressful lately. All I'm going to say is that I at 6 slices of a pizza tonight. That is HORRIBLE. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Paleo Chunky Monkey Muffins

These are AMAZING!!!

Recipe here

I had a heck of a time making these. First, my bananas weren't ripe enough. Then I forgot to buy coconut sugar. Then I didn't have enough butter. Then I didn't have enough eggs. In other words, I need to learn how to read a recipe before going to the grocery store!

Paleo Stuffed Bell Peppers

My sister had surgery, so I told my brother-in-law I would make him some food while Jenn was recuperating. This is what he asked for. This picture shows 8 stuffed bell peppers, but somehow only 6 stuffed bell peppers actually made it to their house ;)

Recipe found here

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Sausage Stuffed Zucchini Boats from SkinnyTaste

This is one of my favorite recipes! It is yummy yummy yummy! I've made it before lots of times. 
However, this time I cut my finger with the vegetable chopper when I was trying to wash it off, so I have a cooking injury. :(

You can find the recipe here

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

No Baby, Leave your Socks On - Tyler CrossFit Competition

I did another competition. I must be crazy. This one was called "No Baby, Leave your Socks On" and all of the competitors were supposed to wear crazy knee socks. I wore my "Bad @$$" socks :) 

WOD 1: Thruster/Box jump Ladder (7min AMRAP)
20″ box jump/step up(scaled)

WOD 2: (10 min AMRAP)
10 pull ups/ jumping pull ups(scaled)
20 burpees
90 single unders (scaled)
40 wallball 14/ 10(scaled)
50 kb swing 26#(scaled)
then max reps clean & jerk in remaining time 95#/65#(scaled)

WOD 3: Deadlift ladder
15 bars 65#-205# (scaled)

I have managed to make friends with someone just as silly-if not sillier-than I am!
I am such a badass!
Burpees suck!
Wall Balls - OMG. I was running out of steam. I couldn't get more than 5 without having to drop the ball and gasp for air
Those kettlebell swings were hard! I was exhausted at this point!
Yay! I ran into an old friend! She is a CrossFit BEAST! She came in 6th
The girls
The results

Pictures of my cats... because why not?!?

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Red Inspirations

Rochelle sent me this shirt from her boot camp, so I had to get a picture wearing it. Here I am practicing 20" box jumps.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

My first olympic lifting meet

We had an in-house olympic lifting meet to learn how to lift in a competition environment. It was really fun cheering for the other athletes in my box that I work out next to every day. I stayed all the way until the end to watch the guys lift as heavy as they could. It was amazing. 
I did about what I thought I would. Here are the scores.